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Buckwheat Blueberry Pancakes

Gluten-free and Dairy-free. Contains nuts and eggs.

Makes 8 medium sized pancakes

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5-10 minutes

Difficulty: easy
Makes: 4-8 pancakes


1cup gluten-free all-purpose flour

1cup buckwheat flour

1.5 tsp baking powder

1/8tsp salt

1tbsp flax seed powder


1tsp vanilla

2tsp lemon juice

1.5cups almond milk (or any alternative)

1tbsp avocado or coconut oil

1cup frozen or fresh blueberries 


  • in a medium bowl mix all of the dry ingredients; flour, baking powder, salt

  • in a smaller bowl mix all of the wet ingredients and flax; egg, vanilla, lemon juice, almond milk, oil, flax

  • pour wet ingredients into the dry and whisk together until smooth

  • if you like your pancakes a little thinner you can add more milk slowly until you reach the desired consistency

  • add in the blueberries and stir gently with a mixing spoon.

  • if you use frozen blueberries it is likely that their color will bleed into the batter a little bit, so if you want to have a cleaner look choose fresh

  • place a large frying pan on the stove over medium-high heat and add a tsp or 2 of vegan butter or coconut oil

  • once the pan is evenly heated, use a ladle to scoop and pour batter onto the pan, making the pancakes as big or little as you prefer

  • after a few minutes, you will see the tops start to bubble, and the batter will appear less wet - use a spatula to gently flip the pancakes over and wait another 2 minutes before removing

  • Serve with syrup or make your own compote and enjoy! 

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